Leptogenesis and tensor polarisation from a gravitational Chern-Simons term
Leptogenesis from Gravity Waves in Models of Inflation
Leptogenesis from Pseudo-Scalar Driven Inflation
Leptonic Electroweak Spin-Torsion Interactions
Leptons, quarks, and their antiparticles: a phase-space view
Les Houches Lectures on Black Holes
Les Houches Lectures on Constructing String Vacua
Les Houches Lectures on De Sitter Space
Les Houches Lectures on Fields, Strings and Duality
Les Houches lectures on matrix models and topological strings
Les Houches Lectures on Strings and Arithmetic
Les Houches lectures on supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Less is More: Non-renormalization Theorems from Lower Dimensional Superspace
Lessons from All Logs Summation in Yukawa Theories
Lessons from giant gravitons on $AdS_{5}\times T^{1,1}$
Lessons from Numerical Analysis
Lessons from Quantum Field Theory - Hopf Algebras and Spacetime Geometries
Lessons from Schwinger Effective Action for Black Holes
Lessons from the decoupling limit of Horava gravity
Lessons from the LQG String