Lectures on Twistor Strings and Perturbative Yang-Mills Theory
Lectures on Twistors
Lectures on Two-Dimensional Noncommutative Gauge Theory 1. Classical Aspects
Lectures on Two-Dimensional Noncommutative Gauge Theory 2: Quantization
Lectures on Two-Loop Superstrings
Lectures on W algebras and W gravity
Lectures on W-Gravity, W-Geometry and \W-Strings
Lectures on Warped Compactifications and Stringy Brane Constructions
Lee-Wick Theories at High Temperature
Lee-Yang edge singularity in the three-dimensional Gross-Neveu model at finite temperature
Left and right handedness of fermions and bosons
Left Regular Representation of $sl_q(3)$: Reduction and Intertwiners
Left-Right Asymmetric Holographic RG Flow with Gravitational Chern-Simons Term
Left-right symmetric gauge model in a noncommutative geometry on $M_4\times Z_4$
Left-Right Symmetric Model from Geometrical Formulation of Gauge Theory in $M_4 \times Z_2 \times Z_2$
Left-Right Symmetric Models in Noncommutative Geometries?
Legendrian Distributions with Applications to Poincaré Series
Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann S-Matrix elements on the Moyal Plane
Lensing and CMB Anisotropies by Cosmic Strings at a Junction
Lensing effect of a cosmic string in Chern-Simons gravity