Leading Log Corrections to Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy
Leading quantum correction to energy of "short" spiky strings
Leading quantum gravitational corrections to scalar QED
Leading RG logs in $φ^4$ theory
Leading role of gravity in the structure of spinning particle
Leading Singularities of the Two-Loop Six-Particle MHV Amplitude
Leading transcedental contribution to the four-loop universal anomalous dimension in N=4 SYM
Leading- and next-to-leading-order lateral Casimir force on corrugated surfaces
Leading-Order Actions of Goldstino Fields
Learning about spin-one-half fields
Leaving the BPS bound: Tunneling of classically saturated solitons
Lecture Notes for Massless Spinor and Massive Spinor Triangle Diagrams
Lecture notes on Chern-Simons (super-)gravities. Second edition (February 2008)
Lecture Notes on Holographic Renormalization
Lecture Notes on Topological Field Theory
Lectures in Topological Quantum Field Theory
Lectures on (abelian) Chern-Simons vortices
Lectures on 2d Gauge Theories: Topological Aspects and Path Integral Techniques
Lectures on 2D gravity and 2D string theory (TASI 1992)
Lectures on 2D Yang-Mills Theory, Equivariant Cohomology and Topological Field Theories