Lattice Virasoro from Lattice Kac-Moody
Lattice W algebras and quantum groups
Lattice Wess-Zumino-Witten Model and Quantum Groups
Lattices and Their Continuum Limits
Laughlin states on the Poincare half-plane and its quantum group symmetry
Laughlin states on the sphere as representations of Uq(sl(2))
Laughlin type wave function for two-dimensional anyon fields in a KMS-state
Laughlin's wave functions, Coulomb gases and expansions of the discriminant
Laurent Series Representation for the Open Superstring Free Energy
Law Behind Second Law of Thermodynamics --Unification with Cosmology--
Lax equations in ten dimensional supersymmetric classical Yang-Mills theories
Lax pair and Darboux transformation of noncommutative U(N) principal chiral model
Lax Pair for Strings in Lunin-Maldacena Background
Lax Pair Formulation and Multi-soliton Solution of the Integrable Vector Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
Lax Pair Formulation of the W-gravity Theories in two Dimensions
Lax Pairs and Spectral Curves for Calogero-Moser and Spin Calogero-Moser Systems
Lax pairs for N=2,3 Supersymmetric KdV Equations and their Extensions
LC_2 formulation of supergravity
Leading infrared logarithms for sigma-model with fields on arbitrary Riemann manifold
Leading Large N Modification of QCD_2 on a Cylinder by Dynamical Fermions