Late Time Behaviors of an Inhomogeneous Rolling Tachyon
Late time evolution of brane gas cosmology and compact internal dimensions
Late-time Cosmic Dynamics from M-theory
Late-time cosmology in (phantom) scalar-tensor theory: dark energy and the cosmic speed-up
Late-time dynamics of brane gas cosmology
Late-time effects of Planck-scale cosmology: dilatonic interpretation of the dark energy field
Late-time Evolution of a Charged Massless Scalar Field in the Spacetime of a Dilaton Black Hole
Late-time expansion in the semiclassical theory of the Hawking radiation
Late-Time Tails of Wave Propagation in Higher Dimensional Spacetimes
Lateral Casimir forces on parallel plates and concentric cylinders with corugations
Lattice $W$ algebras and quantum groups
Lattice Analogue of W-infinity Algebra and Discrete KP-Hierarchy
Lattice Analogues of $N=2$ Superconformal Models via Quantum Group Truncation
Lattice analogues of W-algebras and Classical Integrable Equations
Lattice Approach to Excited TBA Boundary Flows: Tricritical Ising Model
Lattice Approximation of Quantum Statistical Traces at a Complex Temperature
Lattice Black Holes
Lattice Bosonization
Lattice Bosons
Lattice Chern-Simons Gravity via Ponzano-Regge Model