Large-N volume independence in conformal and confining gauge theories
Large-N Wilsonian beta function in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory by localization on the fixed points of a semigroup contracting the functional measure
Large-N Yang-Mills Theory as Classical Mechanics
Large-Nc QCD, Harmonic Sums and the Riemann Zeros
Large-N_c meson theory
Large-Order Asymptotes for Dynamic Models Near Equilibrium
Large-Order Behavior of Two-coupling Constant $φ^4$-Theory with Cubic Anisotropy
Large-order Perturbation Theory and de Sitter/Anti de Sitter Effective Actions
Large-Order Perturbation Theory in Infrared-Unstable Superrenormalizable Field Theories
Large-scale cosmological perturbations on the brane
Large-scale perturbations on the brane and the isotropy of the cosmological singularity
Large-scale structure challenges dilaton gravity in a 5D brane scenario with AdS bulk
Large-small dualities between periodic collapsing/expanding branes and brane funnels
Large-Small Equivalence in String Theory
Large-Volume Flux Compactifications: Moduli Spectrum and D3/D7 Soft Supersymmetry Breaking
Large-Volume String Compactifications, Revisited
Largest eigenvalue distribution in the double scaling limit of matrix models: A Coulomb fluid approach
Large\bf $ w_{1+\infty} $--type constraints in two--matrix and Kontsevich model--different approach
Late acceleration and $w=-1$ crossing in induced gravity
Late cosmology of brane gases with a two-form field