Large-N limit of non-local 2D generalized Yang-Mills theories on non-orientable surface
Large-N limit of the generalized 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theories
Large-N limit of the generalized 2D Yang-Mills theory on cylinder
Large-N limit of the non-local 2D Yang-Mills and generalized Yang-Mills theories on a cylinder
Large-N limit of the two-dimensinal Non-Local Yang-Mills theory on arbitrary surfaces with boundary
Large-N limit of the two-dimensoinal Yang-Mills theory on surfaces with boundaries
Large-N limits of 2d CFTs, Quivers and AdS_3 duals
Large-N quantum gauge theories in two dimensions
Large-N Quenching in the Kazakov-Migdal Model
Large-N reduced models of supersymmetric quiver, Chern-Simons gauge theories and ABJM
Large-N reduction for N=2 quiver Chern-Simons theories on S^3 and localization in matrix models
Large-N reduction in QCD-like theories with massive adjoint fermions
Large-N Reduction, Master Field and Loop Equations in Kazakov-Migdal Model
Large-N Solution of the Heterotic CP(N-1) Model with Twisted Masses
Large-N Solution of the Heterotic N=(0,1) Two-Dimensional O(N) Sigma Model
Large-N Solution of the Heterotic N=(0,2) Two-Dimensional CP(N-1) Model
Large-N Solution of the Heterotic Weighted Non-Linear Sigma-Model
Large-N Theory from the Axiomatic Point of View
Large-N transitions for generalized Yang-Mills theories in 1+1 dimensions
Large-N Universality of the Two-Dimensional Yang-Mills String