Large Radius Hagedorn Regime in String Gas Cosmology
Large Random Matrices: Eigenvalue Distribution
Large rank Wilson loops in N=2 superconformal QCD at strong coupling
Large Representation Recurrences in Large N Random Unitary Matrix Models
Large rotating AdS black holes from fluid mechanics
Large scale and large period limits of symmetric calorons
Large scale correlations in normal and general non-Hermitian matrix ensembles
Large Softly broken N=2 QCD
Large spin behavior of anomalous dimensions and short-long strings duality
Large spin corrections in ${\cal N}=4$ SYM sl(2): still a linear integral equation
Large spin expansion of semiclassical 3-point correlators in AdS_5 x S^5
Large spin expansion of the long-range Baxter equation in the sl(2) sector of N=4 SYM
Large spin expansion of the wrapping correction to Freyhult-Rej-Zieme twist operators
Large spin limit of AdS_5 x S^5 string theory and low energy expansion of ferromagnetic spin chains
Large spin limits of AdS/CFT and generalized Landau-Lifshitz equations
Large Spin Strings in AdS_3
Large Sum-over-histories representation for the causal Green function of free scalar field theory
Large transient states in quantum field theory
Large Volume Axionic Swiss-Cheese Inflation
Large Volume Perspective on Branes at Singularities