Large N Structure of the IIB Matrix Model
Large N Superconformal Gauge Theories and Supergravity Orientifolds
Large N vector quantum mechanics and bubbling supertube solutions
Large N wormhole approach to spacetime foam
Large N WZW Field Theory Of N=2 Strings
Large N, Supersymmetry ... and QCD
Large N, Z_N Strings and Bag Models
Large Nc Confinement, Universal Shocks and Random Matrices
Large Nc Equivalence and Baryons
Large Non-Gaussianity Implication for Curvaton Scenario
Large Nongaussianity from Nonlocal Inflation
Large Nonlinear $W_{\infty}$ Algebras from Nonlinear Integrable Deformations of Self Dual Gravity
Large Nonlocal Non-Gaussianity from a Curvaton Brane
Large N_c confinement and turbulence
Large Order Behavior of Quasiclassical Euclidean Gravity in Minisuperspace Models
Large Order Behaviour of 2D Gravity Coupled to $d<1$ Matter
Large orders in strong-field QED
Large Parabosons versus supersymmetry in Jahn-Teller Systems
Large Quantum Poincare Subgroup of q-Conformal Group and q-Minkowski Geometry
Large radii and string unification