Large N limit of SO(N) scalar gauge theory
Large N limit of SYM theories with 16 supercharges from superstrings on Dp-brane backgrounds
Large N Limit on Langevin Equation: Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Sigma Model
Large N Matrix Field Theories
Large N Matrix Mechanics on the Light-Cone
Large N orbifold field theories on the twisted torus
Large N Phase Transitions and Multi-Critical Behaviour in Generalized 2D QCD
Large N phase transitions under scaling and their uses
Large N Phases, Gravitational Instantons and the Nuts and Bolts of AdS Holography
Large N planar or bare vertex approximation and critical behavior of a SU(N) invariant four-fermion model in 2+1 dimensions
Large N QCD from Rotating Branes
Large N reduction for Chern-Simons theory on S^3
Large N reduction on coset spaces
Large N reduction on group manifolds
Large N Reductions and Holography
Large N Renormalization Group Approach to Matrix Models
Large N solution of generalized Gross-Neveu model with two coupling constants
Large N Spectrum of two Matrices in a Harmonic Potential and BMN energies
Large N Strong Coupling Dynamics in Non-Supersymmetric Orbifold Field Theories
Large N Strong/Weak Coupling Phase Transition and the Correspondence Principle