Group-Theoretical Determination of the Mixing Angle in the Electroweak Gauge Group
Group-Variation Equations for the Coefficients in the 1/N Expansions of Physical Quantities in SU(N) Gauge Theories in D=3+1
Groupoid Quantization of Loop Spaces
Gso Projection, BRST Cohomology and Picture-Changing in N=2 String Theory
GSO(-) Vertex Operators and Open Superstring Field Theory in Hybrid Variables
GUT Breaking on $M^4 \times T^2/(Z_2 \times Z_2^{\prime})$
GUT cosmic strings and inflation
GUT Model Hierarchies from Intersecting Branes
GUT Precursors and Non-Trivial Fixed Points in Higher-Dimensional Gauge Theories
GUT Relations from String Theory Compactifications
GUT's with Adjoint Higgs from Superstrings
GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-theory - I
GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-theory - II: Experimental Predictions
GUTs in Curved Spacetime: Running Gravitational Constants, Newtonian Potential and the Quantum Corrected Gravitational Equations
GUTs in Type IIB Orientifold Compactifications
Gutzwiller's Trace Formula and Vacuum Pair Production
Gyrating Strings: A new instability of black strings?
Gyromagnetic Ratio of Charged Kerr-Anti-de Sitter Black Holes
Gyros as geometry of the standard model
G_2 Domain Walls in M-theory