Functional Integral Construction of the Thirring model: axioms verification and massless limit
Functional integral for non-Lagrangian systems
Functional Integral in terms of the Field Strength: An Approach to Chiral Symmetry Breaking
Functional integral over velocities for a spinning particle with and without anomalous magnetic moment in a constant electromagnetic field
Functional integral with "phi^4" term in the action beyond standard perturbative methods
Functional integral with $φ^4$ term in the action beyond standard perturbative methods II
Functional integration and abelian link invariants
Functional integration and gauge ambiguities in generalized abelian gauge theories
Functional Integration and High Energy Scattering of Particles with Anomalous Magnetic Moments in Quantum Field Theory
Functional Integration Over Geometries
Functional Relation of interquark potential with interquark distance
Functional Relations and Analytic Bethe Ansatz for Twisted Quantum Affine Algebras
Functional relations and Bethe Ansatz for the XXZ chain
Functional Relations in Solvable Lattice Models I: Functional Relations and Representation Theory
Functional Relations in Solvable Lattice Models II
Functional Relations in Stokes Multipliers and Solvable Models related to U_q(A^{(1)}_n)
Functional renormalization flow and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking of QCD
Functional renormalization group approach to the sine-Gordon model
Functional Renormalization Group Equations, Asymptotic Safety, and Quantum Einstein Gravity
Functional renormalization group for quantized anharmonic oscillator