Functional bosonization with time dependent perturbations
Functional Callan-Symanzik equation
Functional Callan-Symanzik equation for QED
Functional Closure of Schwinger-Dyson Equations in Quantum Electrodynamics, Part 1: Generation of Connected and One-Particle Irreducible Feynman Diagrams
Functional derivation of Casimir energy at non-zero temperature
Functional determinant and Green functions for a fermionic gauge theory on the disk
Functional determinants and effective actions:Corrigenda
Functional determinants for radial operators
Functional Determinants in Higher Derivative Lagrangian Theories
Functional determinants in higher dimensions using contour integrals
Functional Determinants in Quantum Field Theory
Functional determinants on certain domains
Functional determinants on Moebius corners
Functional determinants on regions of the plane and sphere
Functional determinants on spheres and sectors
Functional Differential Equations for the Free Energy and the Effective Energy in the Broken-Symmetry Phase of phi^4-Theory and Their Recursive Graphical Solution
Functional Equations of Form Factors for Diagonal Scattering Theories
Functional Evolution of Free Quantum Fields
Functional integral approach to multipoint correlators in 2d critical systems
Functional Integral Approach to the N-Flavor Schwinger Model