Fubini instantons in curved space
Fubini vacua as a classical de Sitter vacua
Full Component Lagrangian in the Linear Multiplet Formulation of String-inspired Effective Supergravity
Full Fermion-Boson Vertex Function Derived in terms of the Ward-Takahashi Relations in Abelian Gauge Theory
Full Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for quantum strings on AdS_4 x CP^3 in a near plane wave limit
Full Phase Diagram of the Massive Gross-Neveu Model
Fullerenic solitons
Fully Localized Brane Intersections - The Plot Thickens
Fully Off-shell Effective Action and its Supersymmetry in Matrix Theory II
Fully Off-shell Effective Action and its Supersymmetry in Matrix Theory
Fully Supersymmetric Hierarchies From A Energy Dependent Super Hill Operator
Fun from none: deformed symmetries and Fock space
Function group approach to unconstrained Hamiltonian Yang-Mills theory
Functional approach to (2+1) dimensional gravity
Functional approach to 2+1 dimensional gravity coupled to particles
Functional Approach to Classical Yang-Mills Theories
Functional Approach to Phase Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
Functional approach to the fermionic Casimir effect
Functional approaches to infrared Yang-Mills theory in the Coulomb gauge
Functional BES equation