From Supermembrane to Matrix String
From supermembrane to super Yang-Mills theory
From Superstrings to M Theory
From Surface Operators to Non-Abelian Volume Operators in Puff Field Theory
From SYM Perturbation Theory to Closed Strings in Matrix Theory
From Symmetry Breaking to Topology Change I
From Symmetry to Supersymmetry
From ten to four and back again: how to generalize the geometry
From the braided to the usual Yang-Baxter relation
From the BRST invariant Hamiltonian to the Field-Antifield Formalism
From the Complete Yang Model to Snyder's Model, de Sitter Special Relativity and Their Duality
From the Dirac Operator to Wess-Zumino Models on Spatial Lattices
From the fuzzy disc to edge currents in Chern-Simons Theory
From the Geometry of Pure Spinors with their Division Algebras to Fermion's Physics
From the mass gap in O(N) to the non-Borel-summability in O(3) and O(4) sigma-models
From the Nambu-Goto the Sigma-Model Action, Memoirs from Long Ago
From the Poincaré-Cartan form to a Gerstenhaber algebra of Poisson brackets in field theory
From the Superparticle Path Integral to Superfield Theory
From the Torsion Tensor for Spinors to the Weak Forces for Leptons
From the Type I String to M-theory: A Continuous Connection