From Screening to Confinement in a Gauge-Invariant Formalism
From screening to confinement in a Higgs-like model
From Seiberg-Witten invariants to topological Green-Schwarz string
From Simplified BLG Action to the First-Quantized M-Theory
From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks
From Spacetime to Worldsheet: Four point correlators
From Special Geometry to Black Hole Partition Functions
From Spinor Geometry to Complex General Relativity
From static to evolving geometries -- R-charged hydrodynamics from supergravity
From stochastic quantization to bulk quantization: Schwinger-Dyson equations and S-matrix
From String Backgrounds to Topological Field Theories
From string theory to large N QCD
From Strings to the LHC. Les Houches Lectures on String Phenomenology
From strings to the MSSM
From Super QCD to QCD
From Super-AdS_5xS^5 Algebra to Super-pp-wave Algebra
From Super-Yang-Mills Theory to QCD: Planar Equivalence and its Implications
From Super-Yang-Mills to QCD
From Superalgebras to Superparticles and Superbranes
From supergeometry to pure spinors