From Principal Chiral Model to Self-dual Gravity
From propagators to glueballs in the Gribov-Zwanziger framework
From PT-symmetric quantum mechanics to conformal field theory
From Q-walls to Q-balls
From quantum deformations of relativistic symmetries to modified kinematics and dynamics
From Quantum Deformations of Relativistic Symmetries to Modified Kinematics and Dynamics
From Quantum Monodromy to Duality
From Quantum Planes to Quantum Groups and back; Cartan Calculus
From Quantum Probabilities to Classical Facts
From Quarks to Strings
From quiver diagrams to particle physics
From Ramond Fermions to Lame Equations for Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates
From random Regge triangulations to open strings
From real fields to complex Calogero particles
From Reflection Amplitudes to One-point Functions in Non-simply Laced Affine Toda Theories and Applications to Coupled Minimal Models
From Reissner-Nordström quantum states to charged black holes mass evaporation
From relativistic quantum fields to condensed matter and back again: Updating the Gross-Neveu phase diagram
From Rindler space to the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor of a Casimir apparatus in a weak gravitational field
From S-matrices to the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
From Sasaki-Einstein spaces to quivers via BPS geodesics: Lpqr