From Necklace Quivers to the F-theorem, Operator Counting, and T(U(N))
From nesting to dressing
From non-degenerate conducting polymers to dense matter in the massive Gross-Neveu model
From Noncommutative Bosonization to S-Duality
From noncommutative kappa-Minkowski to Minkowski space-time
From noncommutative space-time to quantum relativistic symmetries with fundamental mass parameter
From Noncommutative Sphere to Nonrelativistic Spin
From noncommutative string/membrane to ordinary ones
From Nonperturbative SUSY Gauge Theories to Integrable Systems
From on-shell to off-shell open gauge theories
From One-Component KP Hierarchy to Two-Component KP Hierarchy and Back
From p-branes to Cosmology
From p-branes to fluxbranes and back
From path representations to global morphisms for a class of minimal models
From PCM to KDV and Back
From Peierls brackets to a generalized Moyal bracket for type-I gauge theories
From Percolation to Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory
From Petrov-Einstein to Navier-Stokes
From Physics to Number Theory via Noncommutative Geometry, Part II: Renormalization, the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, and motivic Galois theory
From polymers to quantum gravity: triple-scaling in rectangular matrix models