From Liouville Theory to the Quantum Geometry of Riemann Surfaces
From Liouville to Chern-Simons, Alternative Realization of Wilson Loop Operators in AGT Duality
From Local to Global in F-Theory Model Building
From Loop Space Mechanics to Nonabelian Strings
From M-theory to D=5 supergravity and duality-symmetric theories
From M-theory to F-theory, with Branes
From Marginal Deformations to Confinement
From massive gravity to dark matter density
From Matrices to Strings and Back
From Matrix Models and quantum fields to Hurwitz space and the absolute Galois group
From matrix models' topological expansion to topological string theories: counting surfaces with algebraic geometry
From multileg loops to trees (by-passing Feynman's Tree Theorem)
From N M2's to N D2's
From N=1 to N=2 supersymmetries in 2+1 dimensions
From N=2 Fermionic Strings to Superstrings?
From N=2 strings to F&M theory
From N=2 Supergravity to Constrained Moduli Spaces
From N=2 supersymmetric classical to quantum mechanics and back: the SUSY WKB approximation
From N=4 gauge theory to N=2 conformal QCD: three-loop mixing of scalar composite operators
From Navier-Stokes To Einstein