Fused Potts Models
Fusing the coordinates of quantum superspace
Fusion & Tensoring of Conformal Field Theory and Composite Fermion Picture of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Fusion algebra and Verlinde's formula
Fusion algebra of critical percolation
Fusion Algebras and Characters of Rational Conformal Field Theories
Fusion Algebras Induced by Representations of the Modular Group
Fusion Algebras of Fermionic Rational Conformal Field Theories via a Generalized Verlinde Formula
Fusion Algebras of Logarithmic Minimal Models
Fusion and Analytical Bethe Ansatz for the $A_{\n-1}^{(1)}$ Open Spin Chain
Fusion and singular vectors in A1{(1)} highest weight cyclic modules
Fusion and the Neveu-Schwarz Singular Vectors
Fusion bases as facets of polytopes
Fusion hierarchies for N = 4 superYang-Mills theory
Fusion Hierarchy and Finite-Size Corrections of $U_q[sl(2)]$ Invariant Vertex Models with Open Boundaries
Fusion in conformal field theory as the tensor product of the symmetry algebra
Fusion in coset CFT from admissible singular-vector decoupling
Fusion in Fractional Level sl^(2)-Theories with k=-1/2
Fusion in the W_3 algebra
Fusion matrices, generalized Verlinde formulas, and partition functions in WLM(1,p)