Extreme black hole entropy obtained in an operational approach
Extreme charged black holes in braneworld with cosmological constant
Extreme Domain Wall--Black Hole Complementarity in N=1SUPERGRAVITY with a General Dilaton Coupling
Extrinsic Curvature Dependence of Nielsen-Olesen Strings
Extrinsic Curvature Induced 2-d Gravity
Extrinsic Geometry Sensitive Bosonic String Theory
Extrinsic Hermitian Geometry of Functional Determinants for Vector Subbundles and the Drinfeld--Sokolov Ghost System
EYM equations in the presence of q-stars
EYM equations in the presence of q-stars is scalar-tensor gravitational theories
E_(10), BE_(10) and Arithmetical Chaos in Superstring Cosmology
E_11 and M Theory
E_11: Sign of the times
E_6 and the bipartite entanglement of three qutrits
E_7(7) on the Light Cone
E_8 flavour multiplets
E_8 x E_8 Small Instantons in Matrix Theory
E_{10} for beginners
E_{10} Symmetry in One-dimensional Supergravity
E_{11} and Higher Spin Theories
E_{11} origin of Brane charges and U-duality multiplets