D-brane Spectrum and K-theory Constraints of D=4, N=1 Orientifolds
D-Brane Stability and Monodromy
D-brane stability, geometric engineering, and monodromy in the Derived Category
D-brane Standard Model
D-brane States and Annulus Amplitudes in OSp Invariant Closed String Field Theory
D-brane States and Disk Amplitudes in OSp Invariant Closed String Field Theory
D-brane superpotentials and RG flows on the quintic
D-Brane Superpotentials in Calabi-Yau Orientifolds
D-brane Superpotentials: Geometric and Worldsheet Approaches
D-Brane Topology Changing Transitions
D-brane Wess--Zumino actions, T-duality and the cosmological constant
D-Brane Wess-Zumino Terms and U-Duality
D-brane worlds and the cosmological constant
D-brane, fluxes and chirality
D-branes and BCFT in Hpp-wave backgrounds
D-branes and bivariant K-theory
D-branes and boundary states in closed string theories
D-Branes and Bundles on Elliptic Fibrations
D-branes and Closed String Field Theory
D-branes and Closed String Field Theory