Back Reaction Of Perturbations In Two Scalar Field Inflationary Models
Back Reaction of Strings in Self-Consistent String Cosmology
Back reaction of vacuum and the renormalization group flow from the conformal fixed point
Back Reaction to Rotating Detector
Back-door fine-tuning in supersymmetric low scale inflation
Back-Reaction and Complementarity in 1+1 Dilaton Gravity
Back-Reaction and the Trans-Planckian Problem of Inflation Revisited
Back-reaction as a quantum correction
Back-Reaction of Cosmological Perturbations in the Infinite Wavelength Approximation
Back-Reaction to Dilaton-Driven Inflation
Background charges and consistent continuous deformations of $2d$ gravity theories
Background field boundary conditions for affine Toda field theories
Background field calculations and nonrenormalization theorems in 4d supersymmetric gauge theories and their low-dimensional descendants
Background field dependence from the Slavnov-Taylor identity in (non-perturbative) Yang-Mills theory
Background Field Equations for the Duality Symmetric String
Background field formalism for chiral matter and gauge fields conformally coupled to supergravity
Background Field Method and Structure of Effective Action in N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theories
Background Field Method in Stochastic Quantization of N = 1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
Background field method in the Wilson formulation
Background field quantization and non-commutative Maxwell theory