BTZ Black Hole as Solution of 3d Higher Spin Gauge Theory
BTZ Black Hole with Chern-Simons and Higher Derivative Terms
BTZ Black Hole with Gravitational Chern-Simons: Thermodynamics and Statistical Entropy
BTZ Black Hole with Higher Derivatives, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and Statistical Entropy: A New Proposal
BTZ black holes and the near-horizon geometry of higher-dimensional black holes
BTZ black holes from the five-dimensional general relativity with a negative cosmological constant
BTZ black holes, WZW models and noncommutative geometry
BTZ Solutions on Codimension-2 Braneworlds
Bubble collisions and measures of the multiverse
Bubble collisions in SU(2)xU(1) gauge theory and the production of non-topological strings
Bubble formation in $φ^6$ potential
Bubble formation in phi^4 theory in the thin-wall limit and beyond
Bubble with Global Monopole
Bubble, Bubble, Flow and Hubble: Large Scale Galaxy Flow from Cosmological Bubble Collisions
Bubbles and Black Branes in Grand Canonical Ensemble
Bubbles and jackets: new scaling bounds in topological group field theories
Bubbles in Anti-de Sitter Space
Bubbles in Kaluza-Klein theories with space- or time-like internal dimensions
Bubbles in the Self-Accelerating Universe
Bubbles of Nothing and the Fastest Decay in the Landscape