3-particle Calogero Model: Supertraces and Ideals on the Algebra of Observables
3-point Functions in Conformal Field Theory with Affine Lie Group Symmetry
3-Point Functions in N=4 Yang-Mills
3-point functions of universal scalars in maximal SCFTs at large N
3-point off-shell vertex in scalar QED in arbitrary gauge and dimension
3-Sasakian Manifolds
3-String Junction and BPS Saturated Solutions in SU(3) Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
3D and 4D noncommutative electromagnetic duality and the role of the slowly varying fields limit
3D black holes on a 2-brane in 4D Minkowski space
3d CFT and Multi M2-brane Theory on RxS^2
3d Conformal Higher Spin Symmetry in 2+1 Dimensional Matter Systems
3D gauged supergravity from SU(2) reduction of $N=1$ 6D supergravity
3D gauged supergravity from wrapped M5-branes with AdS/CMT applications
3D Georgi-Glashow model and confining strings at zero and finite temperatures
3D Gravity and Gauge Theories
3D Gravity, Point Particles and Liouville Theory
3D heterotic string theory: new approach and extremal solutions
3D Higher-Spin Gauge Theories with Matter
3D Ising Model:The Scaling Equation of State
3D Lorentzian Quantum Gravity from the asymmetric ABAB matrix model