`Blowing up' D-branes on Non-supersymmetric Cycles
`Conformal Theories - AdS Branes' Transform, or One More Face of AdS/CFT
`Desert' in Energy or Transverse Space?
`Null gauged' WZNW theories and Toda-like $σ$-models
`Superluminal' Photon Propagation in QED in Curved Spacetime is Dispersive and Causal
`t Hooft Anomaly Matching for QCD
`Thermodynamics' of Minimal Surfaces and Entropic Origin of Gravity
``Alternative $N=(4,0)$ Superstring and $\s$-Models''
``Charge-Dyon" System As The Reduced Oscillator
``Good Propagation'' Constraints on Dual Invariant Actions in Electrodynamics and on Massless Fields
``Induced'' Super-Symmetry Breaking with a Vanishing Vacuum Energy
``Integrating in'' and exact superpotentials in 4d
``N=4: A Unifying Framework for 2d Topological Gravity, $c_M\leq 1$ String Theory and Constrained Topological Sigma Model''
``Non chiral'' primary superfields in the AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d correspondence
``Theory of Theories'' Approach to String Theory