(Non-)Abelian Gauged Supergravities in Nine Dimensions
(Non-)Abelian Kramers-Wannier duality and topological field theory
(Non-)Abelian Kramers-Wannier duality and topological field theory
(Non-)Anomalous D-brane and O-plane couplings: the normal bundle
(Non-)BPS bound states and D-brane instantons
(Non-)perturbative tests of the AdS/CFT correspondence
(NS5,D5,D3) bound state, OD3, OD5 limits and SL(2,Z) duality
(NS5,Dp) and (NS5,D(p+2),Dp) bound states of type IIB and type IIA string theories
(p + 1)-Dimensional Noncommutative Yang-Mills and D($p - 2$) Branes
(p+1)-Algebra for Super p-Brane: the Nambu Bracket Reformulation
(p,q) 5-Branes in Non-Zero B-Field
(p,q) D=3 Poincare supergravities from Lie algebra expansions
(p,q)-form Kaehler Electromagnetism
(p,q)-string in matrix-regularized membrane and type IIB duality
(p,q)-string in the wrapped supermembrane on 2-torus -- A classical analysis of the bosonic sector --
(p,q)-strings and New Spacetime Superalgebras
(Perturbed) Conformal Field Theory Applied To 2D Disordered Systems: An Introduction
(Quasi)-exactly solvable quasinormal modes
(Quasi)Localized Gauge Field on a Brane: Dissipating Cosmic Radiation to Extra Dimensions?
(Re)constructing Dimensions