(Constrained) Quantization Without Tears
(Curvature)^2-Terms for Supergravity in Three Dimension
(D)-instanton effects in magnetized brane worlds
(D+1)-Dimensional Formulation for D-Dimensional Constrained Systems
(De)Constructing Dimensions
(De)Constructing Dimensions and Non-commutative Geometry
(De)constructing Intersecting M5-branes
(De)coupling Limit of DGP
(De)quantization of black hole charges
(de)Tails of Toda CFT
(Dis)assembling Special Lagrangians
(Dis)continuities of Massless Limits in Spin 3/2-mediated Interactions and Cosmological Supergravity
(F, D5) Bound State, SL(2, Z) Invariance and The Descendant States in Type IIB/A String Theory
(F,Dp) bound states from the boundary state
(F1, D1, D3) Bound State, Its Scaling Limits and SL(2,Z) Duality
(Fractional) Intersection Numbers, Tadpoles and Anomalies
(Generalized) Conformal Quantum Mechanics of 0-Branes and Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
(Half) a Lecture on D-branes
(In)finite extensions of algebras from their Inonu-Wigner contractions
(In)stability of D-dimensional black holes in Gauss-Bonnet theory