$Z_N$ orbifold compactifications in $AdS_6$ with Gauss-Bonnet term
$Z_N$ Orientifolds with Flux
$\bbbc P^2$ and $\bbbc P^{1}$ Sigma Models in Supergravity: Bianchi type IX Instantons and Cosmologies
$\bf W_\infty$ Gravity - a Geometric Approach
$\varphif_{4}^{4}-$theory for antisymmetric tensor matter fields in Minkowski space-time
${\cal N}=1$ Theories and a Geometric Master Field
${\cal N}=3$ Supersymmetric Effective Action of D2-branes in Massive IIA String Theory
$~N=2$~ Superstring Theory Generates Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Theories
$α$-Representation for QCD
$α$-Symmetries, Coloured Dimensions and Gauge-String Correspondence
$α$-vacuum and inflationary bispectrum
$β$-deformation for matrix model of M-theory
$β$-deformations, potentials and KK modes
$δ$-Function Perturbations and Boundary Problems by Path Integration
$δ$-function spin-1/2 fermions in a one-dimensional potential well
$δ'$-Function Perturbations and Neumann Boundary-Conditions by Path Integration
$ζ$-function calculation of the Weyl determinant for two-dimensional non-abelian gauge theories in a curved background and its W-Z-W terms
$η$-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity generators and radially symmetric Hamiltonians
$θ$ Effects in Chern-Simons ${\rm QED}_{2+1}$ with a Four-Fermi Interaction
$κ$--deformed Wigner construction of relativistic wave functions and free fields on $κ$-Minkowski space