$E_{d(d)} \times \mathbb{R}^+$ Generalised Geometry, Connections and M theory
$f(R)$ gravity constrained by PPN parameters and stochastic background of gravitational waves
$f(R)$ theory and geometric origin of the dark sector in Horava-Lifshitz gravity
$Fun(SO_q(N))$-Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator on the Quantum Euclidean Space $R_q^N$
$G/G$ Gauged Supergroup Valued WZNW Field Theory
$G/G$--Topological Field Theories by Cosetting $G_k$
$g/u(1)^d$ parafermions from constrained WZNW theories
$gl(2|2)$ Current Superalgebra and Non-unitary Conformal Field Theory
$gl(4|4)$ current algebra: free field realization and screening currents
$gl(n|m)$ color Calogero-Sutherland models and Super Yangian Algebra
$G_2$ generating technique for minimal D=5 supergravity and black rings
$G_2$ holonomy metrics and wrapped D6-branes
$G_2$ Manifolds, Mirror Symmetry and Geometric Engineering
$h$-Deformation as a Contraction of $q$-Deformation
$K3$-Fibrations and Softly Broken $N=4$ Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
$k^+=0$ Modes in Light-Cone Quantization
$L$-functions in Scattering on $p$-adic Multiloop Surfaces
$M$-theory Compactification and Two-brane/Five-brane Duality
$N$-Dimensional Representations of the Braid Groups $B_{N}$
$N$-point amplitudes for d=2 c=1 Discrete States from String Field Theory