$κ$--Rindler space
$κ$-Deformation of Poincaré Superalgebra with Classical Lorentz Subalgebra and its Graded Bicrossproduct Structure
$κ$-deformations of D=3 conformal versus deformations of D=4 AdS symmetries
$κ$-deformed Dirac Equation
$κ$-Deformed Statistics and Classical Fourmomentum Addition Law
$κ$-Minkowski and Snyder algebra from reparametrisation symmetry
$κ$-Minkowski space, scalar field, and the issue of Lorentz invariance
$κ$-Minkowski Spacetime Through Exotic "Oscillator"
$κ$-Poincaré phase space: speed of massless particles and relativity of spacetime locality
$κ-$Minkowski spacetime and a uniformly accelerating observer
$Λ$-symmetry and background independence of noncommutative gauge theory on $\mathbb R^n$
$λφ^{4}$ non equilibrium dynamics and kinetic field theory
$τ$-function for analytic curves
$τ$-function within group theory approach and its quantization
$φ^4$ Field theory on a Lie group
$φ^4$-Model and Holography in Four Dimensions
$Φ^{(2)}$ Perturbations of WZW Model