Magnetic dipole moment of the light tensor mesons in light cone QCD sum rules
Magnetic dipole operator contributions to the photon energy spectrum in anti-B -> X(s) gamma at O(alpha(s)^2)
Magnetic Dipole, Electric Quadrupole and Magnetic Octupole Moments of the $Δ$ Baryons in Light Cone QCD Sum Rules
Magnetic field and quark matter in the core
Magnetic Field Dependence of Muonium-antimuonium Conversion
Magnetic field generation from non-equilibrium phase transitions
Magnetic Field Generation from Self-Consistent Collective Neutrino-Plasma Interactions
Magnetic field generation in first order phase transition bubble collisions
Magnetic Field Induced Gap and Kink Behavior of Thermal Conductivity
Magnetic field of a neutron star with color superconducting quark matter core
Magnetic field production during preheating at the electroweak scale
Magnetic fields and the EW phase transition
Magnetic Fields at First Order Phase Transition: A Threat to Electroweak Baryogenesis
Magnetic Fields Boosted by Gluon Vortices in Color Superconductivity
Magnetic Fields from Bubble Collisions - A Progress Report
Magnetic Fields from the Electroweak Phase Transition
Magnetic Fields in Quantum Degenerate Systems and in Vacuum
Magnetic Fields Produced by Phase Transition Bubbles in the Electroweak Phase Transition
Magnetic fields within color superconducting neutron star cores
Magnetic Fluffy Dark Matter