C and P violations in the PNJL model
C, P, T are Broken. Why Not CPT?
c,b quark masses and f_D_(s), f_B_(s) decay constants from pseudoscalar sum rules in full QCD to order alpha_s^2
c-quark decay modes in B_c-meson
Cabibbo Allowed D -> K pi gamma Decays
Cabibbo favored hadronic decays of charmed baryons in flavor SU(3)
Cabibbo Haze in Lepton Mixing
Cabibbo Mixing and the Search for CP Violation
Cabibbo Mixing in Superstring Derived Standard--like Models
Cabibbo suppressed decays and the $Ξ_{c}^{+}$ lifetime
Cabibbo--Kobayashi--Maskawa Mixing in Superstring Derived Standard--like Models
Cabibbo-allowed nonleptonic weak decays of charmed baryons
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix, Unitarity Triangle and Geometry Origin of the Weak CP Phase
Cabibbo-suppressed decays of the Omega_c^0 - feedback to the Xi_c^+ lifetime
Cabibbo-suppressed non-leptonic B- and D-decays involving tensor mesons
CAESAR: Computer Automated Resummations
Cahn and Sivers effects in the target fragmentation region of SIDIS
CalcHEP 2.3: MSSM, structure functions, event generation, batchs, and generation of matrix elements for other packages
Calculability of Quark Mixing Parameters from General Nearest Neighbor Interaction Texture Quark Mass Matrices
Calculable Corrections to Brane Black Hole Decay I: The Scalar Case