N -> Delta DVCS, exclusive DIS processes and skewed quark distributions in large N_c limit
N = 2 Supersymmetry in a Hybrid Inflation Model
N Delta - Transition Form Factors at Low Momentum Transfer
N K Pi molecular state with I=1 and J(Pi)=3/2-
N to $Δ$ transition amplitudes from QCD sum rules
N* and Delta* decays into N pi0 pi0
N* Properties from the 1/N_c Expansion
N* Resonances in e+e- Collisions at Bepc
N* Spectrum in Lattice QCD
N*(1535) electroproduction at high Q2
N*, Lambda*, Sigma* and Xi* Resonances from J/Psi and Psi' Decays
N->Delta Quadrupole Transition in the Constituent Quark Model
N-Delta axial transition form factors
N-Delta(1232) axial form factors from weak pion production
N-Jettiness as a probe of nuclear dynamics
N-Jettiness: An Inclusive Event Shape to Veto Jets
N-mode coherence in collective neutrino oscillations
n-nbar Oscillations in Models with Large Extra Dimensions
n-Particle irreducible effective action techniques for gauge theories
N-Point Vertex Functions, Ward-Takahashi Identities and Dyson-Schwinger Equations in Thermal QCD/QED in the Real Time Hard-Thermal-Loop Approximation