3+1 and 3+2 Sterile Neutrino Fits
3+1D hydrodynamic simulation of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
3+2 neutrinos in a see-saw variation
3- and 2-body supersymmetric processes: predictions, challenges and prospectives
3-3-1 exotic quark search at CERN LEPII-LHC
3-3-1 Models at Electroweak Scale
3-3-1 Models with Unique Lepton Generations
3-loop 3PI effective action for 3D SU(3) QCD
3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections to DIS with two Massive Fermion Lines
3-Neutrino Mass Spectrum from Combining Seesaw and Radiative Neutrino Mass Mechanisms
331 vector-like models with mirror fermions as a possible solution for the discrepancy in the b-quark asymmetries, and for the neutrino mass and mixing pattern
3d effective theories for the Standard Model and extensions
3D parton imaging of the nucleon in high-energy pp and pA collisions
3D Relativistic Hydrodynamic Computations Using Lattice-QCD-Inspired Equations of State
3d SU(N) + adjoint Higgs theory and finite temperature QCD
3D two-color QCD at finite temperature and baryon density
3D-4D Interlinkage Of B-S Amplitudes : Unified View Of QQbar And QQQ Dynamics