1) Spin and flavor sum rules based on a parton model, 2) SU(2) flavor breaking in antiquark distributions
1+1 Dimensional Hydrodynamics for High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions
1-- and 0++ heavy four-quark and molecule states in QCD
1-3 leptonic mixing and the neutrino oscillograms of the Earth
1-loop corrections to the SU(3) symmetric chiral soliton
1-loop Corrections to the ρParameter in the Left-Right Twin Higgs Model
1-loop matching and NNLL resummation for all partonic 2 to 2 processes in QCD
1/M Corrections to Baryonic Form Factors in the Quark Model
1/m Corrections to Heavy Baryon Masses in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory Sum Rules
1/m_b^2 correction to the left-right lepton polarization asymmetry in the decay B -> X_s mu^+ mu^-
1/m_c Expansion of Omega_b -> Omega_c^(*) Semileptonic Decay Form Factors
1/m_Q corrections in heavy meson decays
1/m_Q Corrections to B -> rho l nu Decay and |V_{ub}|
1/m_Q Corrections to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation for Λ_{Q} in the Diquark Picture
1/m_Q order contributions to B \to πl νdecay in HQEFT
1/N Corrections to the Baryon Axial Currents in QCD
1/N Expansion for Exotic Baryons
1/Nc corrections to the SU(4)_c symmetry for L=1 baryons: The Three Towers
1/Nc Countings in Baryons
1/Nc Countings in Baryons: Mixings and Decays