The Earth's inner core: its discovery and other surprises.
The Earth's oscillating electric field (T = 1 day) in relation to the occurrence time of large EQs (Ms>5.0R). A postulated theoretical physical working model and its statistical validation
The Earth's palaeorotation, postglacial rebound and lower mantle viscosity from analysis of ancient Chinese eclipse records
The earth's rotation rate
The Earth's Variable Rotation
The earthquake magnitude is influenced by previous seismicity
The eastern end of the Pyrenees: Seismic features at the transition to the NW Mediterranean
The effect of a strip of elevated conductivity in the ionospheric E-layer on the F-layer
The effect of collisions in ionogram inversion
The effect of depth-dependent viscosity on convective mixing in the mantle and the possible survival of primitive mantle
The effect of fault geometry on the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquake
The effect of hydrate content on seismic attenuation: A case study for Mallik 2L-38 well data, Mackenzie delta, Canada
The effect of NAPL on the electrical properties of unsaturated porous media
The effect of overburden thickness on tension fracture patterns above an uplifting dome
The effect of target rheology on impact cratering : case for a wet sand
The Effect of the Atmosphere of Mars on the Planet's Rotation and Gravity Field
The effect of vertical measurement resolution on the correlation structure of a ground penetrating radar reflection image
The effects of changes in plate motions on the shape of the Marquesas fracture zone
The effects of geothermal heating on the ocean overturning circulation
The Effects of Gravity-Induced Stresses on Hydrogeologic Properties Near Ridges: Examples From two Rift Basins