Galactic civilizations: a reply
Galactic cosmic rays and anomalous components in the heliosphere
Galactic cyclicity of geological processes
Galactic surveys: Small galaxies are growing smaller
Galactic-bursts signatures in Antarctica 10Be spectra reveal cosmogenesis of climate switching
Galaxy Recycling in the Centaurus Cluster
Galilean satellite geomorphology
Galilean satellites - Evolutionary paths in deep resonance
Galileo 243 Ida System Spectral Observations Revisited
Gambling scores in earthquake prediction analysis
Gamma ray burst afterglows
Gamma-ray bursts and Swift
Gap filling of solar wind data by singular spectrum analysis
Gas escape features off New Zealand: Evidence of massive release of methane from hydrates
Gauss's theorem, mass deficiency at Chicxulub crater (Yucatán, México), and the extinction of the dinosaurs.
GEM-CEDAR Challenge: Comparing Ionospheric Models with Poynting Flux from DMSP Observations
General circulation of the solar atmosphere from observational evidence
Generalized optical theorems for the reconstruction of Green's function of an inhomogeneous elastic medium
Generalized Thermostatistics and Wavelet Analysis of the Solar Wind and Proton Density Variability
Generalized threshold function accounting for effect of relative dispersion on threshold behavior of autoconversion process