Q analysis on reflection seismic data
Qochas on Andean highlands
Quadrennial review of the magnetotail
Quantification of seismic scattering in situ with the conversion log method: A study from the KTB super-deep drill hole
Quantification of the contribution of equatorial Kelvin waves to the QBO wind reversal in the stratosphere
Quantifying bushfire penetration into urban areas in Australia
Quantifying the amount of impact ejecta at the MER landing sites and potential paleolakes in the southern Martian highlands
Quantifying the complexity in mapping energy inputs and hydrologic state variables into land-surface fluxes
Quantitative analysis of terrain units mapped in the northern quarter of Venus from Venera 15/16 data
Quantitative classification of canyon systems on continental slopes and a possible relationship to slope curvature
Quantitative implications of the secondary role of carbon dioxide climate forcing in the past glacial-interglacial cycles for the likely future climatic impacts of anthropogenic greenhouse-gas forcings
Quantitative morphologic analysis of boulder shape and surface texture to infer environmental history: A case study of rock breakdown at the Ephrata Fan, Channeled Scabland, Washington
Quantitative structural and textural assessment of laminar pyrocarbons through Raman spectroscopy, electron diffraction and few other techniques
Quasi-geostrophic motions in a galactic flow
Quasi-periodic wind signal as a possible excitation of Chandler wobble
Quasi-static magnetospheric MHD processes and the 'ground state' of the magnetosphere
Quest for the Nuclear Georeactor
QuickBird-based analysis for the spatial characterization of archaeological sites: Case study of the Monte Serico medieval village