F. Verger, I. Sourbes-Verger and Ghirarde, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Space
Factors controlling atmospheric fluxes of 7Be and 210Pb in northern Taiwan
Factors controlling lava dome morphology
Factors controlling the variances of seismic velocity, density, thermal conductivity and heat production of cores from the KTB pilot hole
Factors Influencing the Earth's Magnetic Field Evolution
Failure patterns caused by localized rise in pore-fluid overpressure and effective strength of rocks
Failure patterns caused by localized rise in pore-fluid overpressure and effective strength of rocks
Failure strength of icy lithospheres
Fairy chimneys in Peru
Far field studies: Comparative analysis of upper mantle Q and other geophysical data on the Eurasian continent
Farside explorer: unique science from a mission to the farside of the moon
Fast 3D Ultra Shallow Seismic Reflection imaging using portable geophone mount
Fast ductile failure of passive margins from sediment loading
Fast evaluation of zero-offset Green's function for layered media with application to ground-penetrating radar
Faster than the blink of an eye
Fault heterogeneity and earthquake scaling
Fault reactivation and selective abandonment in the oceanic lithosphere
Fayalite-rich rims, veins, and halos around and in forsteritic olivines in CAIs and chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites - Types, compositional profiles and constraints of their formation
Feasibility of cosmic-ray muon intensity measurements for tunnel detection
FEATUERS: Is it a comet? Is it an asteroid?