Stratigraphy of the layered terrain in Valles Marineris, Mars
Stratigraphy of the Perrine and Nun Sulci quadrangles (Jg-2 and Jg-5), Ganymede
Stratosphere-troposphere exchange
Stratospheric influence on the tropospheric circulation revealed by idealized ensemble forecasts
Stratospheric ozone response to a solar proton event: Hemispheric asymmetries
Streaming potential dependence on water-content in Fontainebleau sand
Stress dependent thermal pressurization of a fluid-saturated rock
Stress evolution of the San Andreas fault system: Recurrence interval versus locking depth
Stress history of the Tharsis region, Mars
Stress induced elastic anisotropy of the Etnean basalt: Theoretical and laboratory examination
Stress Orientation Confidence Intervals from Focal Mechanism Inversion
Stress orientations and magnitudes in the SAFOD pilot hole
Stress orientations of Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project (TCDP) hole-A as observed from geophysical logs
Stress rates in the central Cascadia subduction zone inferred from an elastic plate model
Stress-induced seismic velocity anisotropy and physical properties in the SAFOD Pilot Hole in Parkfield, CA
Strong variations of cosmic ray intensity during thunderstorms and associated pulsations of the geomagnetic field
Strong vertical mixing in the Urup Strait
Structural joint inversion of time-lapse crosshole ERT and GPR traveltime data
Structure and controls of the global virtual water trade network
Structure and direction of evolution of European tectonosphere according to geological and geophysical data