Large submarine landslides offshore Mt. Etna
Large-scale aseismic motion identified through 4-D P-wave tomography
Large-scale fields and flows in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system
Large-scale instabilities of the lower thermosphere during an active period
Large-scale simulation of methane hydrate dissociation along the West Spitsbergen Margin
Large-scale structure of magnetospheric plasma
Large-scale studies of Pi-2's associated with auroral breakups
Laser beam propagation in the atmosphere at 1.3 microns
Laser techniques in high-pressure geophysics
Laser tracking instrumentation; Proceedings of the Second Workshop, Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 11-16, 1975
Late Noachian development of the Coprates rise, Mars
Late Quaternary seismo-stratigraphy of Lake Wanapitei, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: Arguments for a possible meteorite impact origin
Late-stage flood lavas in the Elysium region, Mars
Lateral asthenospheric viscosity variations and postglacial rebound: a case study for the Barents Sea
Lateral mixing as a source of subtropical water vapor
Lateral shifts of Apenninic foredeep depocentres reflecting detachment of subducted lithosphere
Latitudinal variation of aerosol optical depths from northern Arabian Sea to Antarctica
Latitudinally propagating on-off switching aurorae and associated geomagnetic pulsations - A case study of an event of February 20, 1980
Lattice Boltzmann model for crystal growth from supersaturated solution
Lava channel formation during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna: evidence for mechanical erosion