Lilienfeld Transition Radiation Brought to Light
Limited-Diffraction Solutions to Maxwell and to Schroedinger Equations
Lindblad's epicycles - valid method or bad science?
Line Density Indice as an alternative to MK process
Line emission from charge transfer with atomic hydrogen at thermal energies
Line profiles of the P alpha and P beta transitions in He ii and broadening of C iv lines at high electron densities
Line-broadening measurement of C v n=2, Delta n=0 transitions in a laser-produced plasma
Linear algebra of reduced units and discussion of temperature parameter
Linear Depenedences of Van Der Waals, Covalent and Valence Shell Radii of Atoms of Groups 1a - 8a on their Bohr Radii
Linear Relativity as a Result of Unit Transformation
Linear-algebraic approach to electron-molecule collisions: General formulation
Linear-algebraic approach to electron-molecule collisions: Separable exchange approximations
Linearized Turbulent Fluid Flow as an Analog Model for Linearized General Relativity (Gravitoelectromagnetism)
Lines on Del Pezzo surfaces and transfinite heterotic string spacetimes
Link between chips and cutting moments evolution
Linking inverse square law with quantum mechanical probabilities
Liouville Black Hole In A Noncommutative Space
Little Black Holes as Dark Matter Candidates with Feasible Cosmic and Terrestrial Interactions
Living Cell Cytosol Stability to Segregation and Freezing-Out:Thermodynamic aspect
Living With Radical Uncertainty. The Exemplary case of Folding Protein