S-Parameter Uncertainties in Network Analyzer Measurements with Application to Antenna Patterns
Sakata model of hadrons revisited
Sandage versus Hubble on the reality of the expanding universe
Satellite spectra for heliumlike titanium
Satellite spectra for heliumlike titanium. II
Saturation and Stark splitting of an atomic transition in a stochastic field
Scalar ether theory of gravity: a modification that seems needed
Scalar potential model progress
Scalar theory of gravity as a pressure force
Scale invariability
Scale invariance in cosmology and physics
Scale invariant quantum potential leading to globally self-trapped wave function in Madelung fluid
Scale relativity and fractal space-time: theory and applications
Scale-Free Growing Networks and Gravity
Scale-free Universal Spectrum for Atmospheric Aerosol Size Distribution for Davos, Mauna Loa and Izana
Scaling and universality in avalanches
Scaling Law for the Cosmological Constant from Quantum Cosmology with Seven Extra Dimensions
Scaling law in thermal phenomena
Scaling Laws in Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Scaling properties of the dielectronic recombination rate