R-matrix theory for electron-molecule collisions using analytic basis-set expansions. II. Electron-H2 scattering in the static-exchange model
Radar echo, Doppler Effect and Radar detection in the uniformly accelerated reference frame
Radial distribution of molecular ions in the positive column of dc glow discharges using infrared diode-laser spectroscopy
Radiation diffusion and saturation in optically thick Na vapor
Radiation from a relativistic electron beam in a molecular medium due to parametric pumping by a strong electromagnetic wave
Radiation pressure from the vacuum: Physical interpretation of the Casimir force
Radiation reaction 4-force: orthogonal or parallel to the 4-velocity?
Radiative and nonradiative charge transfer in He(+) + H collisions at low energy
Radiative and transport properties of ions in strongly coupled plasmas
Radiative charge transfer between H and C + + , C + + + , and N + +
Radiative charge transfer in collisions of He2 + ions and ground-state H atoms
Radiative charge-exchange process in high-energy ion-atom collisions
Radiative decay rates of metastable one-electron atoms
Radiative decays of the n = 2 states of He-like ions
Radiative lifetime of hydrogenic and quasihydrogenic atoms
Radiative lifetimes and absolute transition probabilities in Ti II
Radiative lifetimes and oscillator strengths for allowed intra-L-shell transitions in multiply charged chlorine ions
Radiative lifetimes and transition probabilities for electric-dipole delta n equals zero transitions in highly stripped sulfur ions
Radiative lifetimes in Nb i
Radiative lifetimes of some group II ions by the Hanle effect in a fast-flowing helium afterglow