q-deformed Lie algebras and fractional calculus
QCD ghost f(T)-gravity model
QED classically - An intuitive approach
QJT as a Regularization: Origin of the New Gauge Anomalies
Quadrimechanica "Motion:observation and detection"
Quadrimechanica Entropy: the basis of mechanics
Quadrupole bremsstrahlung in the scattering of identical charged bosons and fermions
Qualitative Analysis of Forced Response of Blisks With Friction Ring Dampers
Qualitative remarks on some non-linear aspects of the radio-pulsar magnetosphere
Quantenelektrodynamik: Nah- oder Fernwirkungstheorie
Quantising general relativity using QED theory
Quantitative non contact dynamic Casimir force measurements
Quantization in Spacetime from Null Paths in Higher Dimensions
Quantization makes Relativity Compatible with Superluminal Phenomena
Quantization of a string with attached mass
Quantization of Chaos for Particle Motion
Quantization of Keplerian systems
Quantization of Masses in the Solar System
Quantization of the universe as a black hole
Quantization, Doppler shift and the invariance of the speed of light via the invariance of the counted numbers of photons: An interesting pedagogical problem