Finding way to bridge the gap between quantum and classical mechanics
Fine Structure Constants in n-dimensional Physical Spaces through Dimensional Analysis
Fine-structure Constant, Anomalous Magnetic Moment, Relativity Factor and the Golden Ratio that Divides the Bohr Radius
Fine-structure excitation of O(2+) by charge transfer of O(3+) in H at low energies
Fingerprints of a Local Supernova
Finite Element Investigation of the Deterioration of Doweled Rigid Pavements
Finite Temperature Schrödinger Equation
First and second order electromagnetic equivalency of inertial systems, based on the wavelength and the period as speed-dependant units of length and time
Five Differences Between Ecological and Economic Networks
Five Dimensional bigravity. New topological description of the Universe
Five predictions for superconductors
Five-fold symmetry in fractal atom hydrogen probed with accurate 1S-nS terms
Flawing CERN antihydrogen-experiments with the available H-spectrum
Flexible profile approach to the conjugate heat transfer problem
Floating Cities, Islands and States
Flow dynamics of the Moon
Fluctuation spatial expansion and observational redshifts
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing of Molecules with Biased Carbon Nanotubes, or Nanowires, and Adsorption-Desorption Fluctuations
Fluctuational Spacetime
Fluctuations in the Gravitational, Strong and Weak Nuclear Fields through an Effective Harmonic Oscillator Model