Collision-induced absorption in atomic electronic transitions
Collision-induced rototranslational spectra of H2-Ar from an accurate ab initio dipole-moment surface
Collision-induced rototranslational spectra of H2-He from an accurate ab initio dipole moment surface
Collision-induced rotovibrational spectra of H2-He pairs from first principles
Collisional broadening of the Balmer-alpha transition of H and He(+) in plasmas
Collisional interference in the foreign-gas-perturbed far-infrared rotational spectrum of HD
Collisional redistribution and saturation of near-resonance scattered light
Collisional redistribution of radiation. II - The effects of degeneracy on the equations of motion for the density matrix. III - The equation of motion for the correlation function and the scattered spectrum
Color intensity projections provides a fast, simple and robust method of summarizing the grayscale images from a renal scan in a single color image
Colored Quaternion Dirac Particles of Charges 2/3 and -1/3
Colour Confinement, Baryon Asymmetry and Dark Matter in Quantum Chromodynamics
Combination of Thermal Subsystems Modelled by Rapid Circuit Transformation
Combinatorics, observables, and String Theory
Combinatorics, observables, and String Theory: part II
Combined Quark-Lepton-Complementarity via United by One-Parameter Particle Mixing Angles
Combining NASA/JPL One-Way Optical-Fiber Light-Speed Data with Spacecraft Earth-Flyby Doppler-Shift Data to Characterise 3-Space Flow
Combining Research Methods and Results from Psychology and Physics in the Investigation of Quantum Mechanics
Comment on "A holographic model of dark energy and the thermodynamics of a non-flat accelerated expanding universe", by M.R. Setare and S. Shafei (JCAP 09 (2006) 011, arXiv:gr-qc/0606103)
Comment on "A limit on the variation of the speed of light arising from quantum gravity effects" aka "Testing Einstein's special relativity with Fermi's short hard gamma-ray burst GRB090510"
Comment on "Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity"