Synthesis of graphite fiber intercalated with KHg and its superconductivity
Synthesis of infinite-layer LaNiO2 films by metal-organic deposition
Synthesis of Mg(B$_{1-x}$C$_x$)$_2$ Powders
Synthesis of MgB2 from elements
Synthesis of RuSr2(Ln3/4Ce1/4)2Cu2O10 magneto-superconducting compounds with Ln = Ho, Y and Dy by high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) technique
Synthesis of Single Phase Hg-1223 High Tc Superconducting Films With Multistep Electrolytic Process
Synthesis of SmFeAsO by an Easy and Versatile Route and its Physical Property Characterization
Synthesis of superconducting pyrochlore RbOs2O6
Synthesis, anisotropy, and superconducting properties of LiFeAs single crystal
Synthesis, characterization and low temperature studies of iron chalcogenide superconductors
Synthesis, crystal and magnetic structure of iron selenide BaFe2Se3 with possible superconductivity at Tc=11K
Synthesis, Crystal Growth and Epitaxial Layer Deposition of FeSe0.88 Superconductor and Other Poison Materials by Use of High Gas Pressure Trap System
Synthesis, crystal growth and superconducting properties of Fe-Se system
Synthesis, crystal structure and chemical stability of the superconductor FeSe_{1-x}
Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of superconducting single crystals of HgBa2CuO4+δ
Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetism of beta-Fe1.00(2)Se1.00(3) single crystals
Synthesis, crystal structure and spin-density-wave anomaly of the iron arsenide-fluoride SrFeAsF
Synthesis, crystal structure, microstructure, transport and magnetic properties of SmFeAsO and SmFeAs(O0.93F0.07)
Synthesis, magnetization and magneto transport study of RECoPO (RE = La, Nd & Sm)
Synthesis, structural and transport properties of the hole-doped Superconductor Pr_{1-x}Sr_xFeAsO