Polar Jahn-Teller Centers and Isotope Effect in Copper Oxide high-T_c-Superconductors
Polar Jahn-Teller centers and magnetic neutron scattering cross-section in copper oxides
Polar Kerr Effect Measurements of YBa2Cu3O6+x: Evidence for Broken Symmetry Near the Pseudogap Temperature
Polar type density of states in non-unitary odd-parity superconducting states of gap with point nodes
Polarizability and single particle spectra of two-dimensional s- and d-wave superconductors
Polarization catastrophe at low densities of polarons: from Cuprates to Metal-Ammonia Solutions
Polarization dependence and symmetry analysis in indirect K-edge RIXS
Polarized Neutron Measurement of Magnetic Order in YBa2Cu3O6.45
Polarized superfluidity in the attractive Hubbard model with population imbalance
Polarized superfluids near their tricritical point
Polaron and bipolaron dispersion curves in one dimension for intermediate coupling
Polaron Coherence as Origin of the Pseudogap Phase in High Temperature Superconducting Cuprates
Polaron cross-overs and d-wave superconductivity in Hubbard-Holstein model
Polaron Crossover in Molecular Solids
Polaron Crystallization and Melting: Effects of the Long-Range Coulomb Forces
Polaron Effects on Superexchange Interaction: Isotope Shifts of $T_N$, $T_C$, and $T^*$ in Layered Copper Oxides
Polaron formation as origin of unconventional isotope effects in cuprate superconductors
Polaron Mass and Electron-Phonon Correlations in the Holstein Model
Polaron self-trapping in a honeycomb net
Polaronic effect and its impact on Tc for novel layered superconducting systems